Fair Competition

Fair Competition

Fair Competition, Level Playing Field

Indiana cable broadband companies face intense competition in the telecommunications marketplace. In light of this competition, legislative and regulatory policies must be technology neutral. These equitable policies will further spur investment and deployment. 

Federal law prohibits local governments from granting exclusive franchise rights to one cable provider. As a result of this competition, a wide array of new services (both video and data based) are available to consumers over several alternative broadband platforms, including cable, telephone, wireless, satellite and over the top (OTT). 

The cable industry introduced high-speed internet access service to Indiana consumers and it remains the leader in the broadband marketplace. Since 2000, our members have invested over $2 billion in facilities and equipment serving over 500 Indiana communities. As a result of this massive private investment, availability and adoption of high-speed internet services have increased consistently as have the speeds offered to customers. Since 2016, many of our members have deployed 1 gig speeds across the Hoosier state.

Policies that Ensure Fair Competition and a Level Playing Field:

  • Technology neutral taxes
  • Competitively bid state and local contracts
  • Light Regulatory Policies
  • Equal access to Rights-of-Way
  • Equitable Franchises

Regulatory policies should PROMOTE, and not undermine, the private investment necessary to encourage deployment. For example, just and reasonable pole attachment policies and access to rights-of-way to ensure that essential facilities are available to broadband providers. Any rules and regulations should apply to all providers on a level playing field and should be technology neutral. Fair competition can only exist if all providers are taxed and regulated equally no matter how they deliver their product via wired, wireless, satellite, etc. Such policies will promote broadband deployment and parity among providers—benefitting Hoosier consumers regardless of how they consume data and video.