Mission Media

Mission Media

Mission Media is a signature program of the cable industry to further the industry’s efforts to encourage recent military veterans to join cable’s ranks. Developed by the industry’s Veterans Advisory Council under the chairmanship of NCTA President and CEO Michael Powell, and led by the Cable & Telecommunications Human Resources Association (CTHRA), Mission Media stems from the collective desire of companies in the cable industry to take a systematic, industry-level approach to the hiring of veterans, retaining them, and promoting the cable industry as a desirable place to work.

In 2018, Mission Media launched its newest initiative, Models of Success, a collection of case studies focused on employers’ best practices for recruiting, onboarding and retaining veterans. Models of Success also includes spotlights of veterans who have successfully transitioned into careers within the cable and media entertainment industry. This first issue of Models of Success focused on Spectrum’s veteran hiring initiatives. The second issue focused on Comcast’s veteran onboarding and retention strategies will be released in November 2018.

Learn more about Mission Media and their work by visiting their website.